Monday, February 8, 2010

The past, the present, and the future

After Alter Server's Sunset Mass meeting, and Empowered Mass Media meeting, wemnt for late lunch (if that's what you call it). Yeap, missed all the lameness and stuff. And new jokes... haha, glad to see these people having fun....

Was glad too that I'm missed.... haha, sound so despo.... yea, thx Alex for missing me HAHA and for those new lame jokes.... was finally having a good time LOL-ing haha....

Then, on the way back, Kinda find out about other's past, about how they were before now, and stuff, and felt bad larh, I mean, can you imagine a good person was like (sorry to use this) BIATCH before??? Seriously..... Then again, was glad that they had changed over the years.

And now, been hearing bad stuffs about close friends these days, from other friends.... I dunno what to do or say larh, I wanted to put into their mind, judge yourself first ok??? (but i do not want to because that makes me become them sometimes)..... not to say that I am finding faults but, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, so just accept them for who they are, rather than feeling bad about it, if still feel bad about it, try talking to them about it and you will find the reason why, (worries, past hurts, addictions??)

So, that's how my life so far... ntg much also larh..... hehe hoping for more updates

P/s : If possible pls help me in brainstorming ideas for a teaser video for ER2010.
The theme has already been decided (watch the video 2 post below) GLORY.
Can come up with any ideas for now.... but if possible try to make a sketch (a storyline).
And PLEASE be reminded that ER = Catholic Event.... hehe (ps yarh)