Friday, October 29, 2010

24 more days, and im still blur in my studies!!!

Yea, the countdown is WWWAAAAYYYY TOO NEAR! like seriously, time really pass so fast, i remember i try to calculate the days left and that time, it was 45 days, it felt just like yesterday.....

Neways, here's my updates of my long months of absence :X

- Practically, i only love 2 subjects in my studies..... Maths and chemistry, the rest i dun really care
- Selected for NS, shud be in first badge but i can't comfirm it yet.... even i try to find it online but the thing has also not been comfirm yet by the government ==
- Feel like I'm falling behind almost all of my friends who had got their driving license or future planned.... i still dunno what to do with my life.... like seriously... i'm not satisfied with EVERYTHING.....
- Because of no.3 in the list, i have some issues with my parents.... trying to concentrate on studies just makes it harder....
- failed my sejarah for my mock exam ==, i gt 39, but teacher passed me with a mere 1 mark... oh wells.... at least its a pass == , am doing sejarah revision as priority....
- I have lost my motivation in studies .... practically due to my seniors because they keep on saying it's easy and stuff.... i dun really blame them, but they should know that they went through that stage and i have not....
- And of course, i'm still worried bout SPM.... like seriously, i wanna get straight A's to get some good scholarships, parent's money i dun think will be enough, still need to fund my sis and my bro.....
- I still have to settle the finance of my school's YCS..... some of the sum of money was actually used but i dunno what it is, trying to recall with Damien but yea, i think we kinda over budget for AGM :x ... lol....

yeap, thats practically what i have stuck in my mind sooo far. And yea, i think this year's birthday was great because i manage to cover it up? :P, yea, few people know about it, but i just want to keep a low profile so that no one makes any fuss and stuff to buy presents :X (but deep down in my heart, i want some things for myself :P, haha) And i think there is no escape next year cos Adrian save it in his phone :X, thats unless i went overseas to study xD....

That's all i have to say, wish me and te rest of the Form 5 luck for SPM, yea, i dun think I'll be on9 till then, i even deactivate my FB account too! :X this is the time to focus on studies!
