Monday, November 29, 2010

SPM? 15 Days from now....

Yo peeps, 15 more days till my SPM ends. Suprisingly, it's just like a normal exam, only that because of it's importance , we who are sitting for it limit ourself to a certain degree so that we keep the seriousness in momentum..... haha, well, i guess i've lost mine, and so does some other people..... If i get straight A's,which is practically impossible now, I would do anything crazy just to get it. Obviously, i won't get it cause Sejarah is my doomed subject, includes Moral which i didn't really studied (but the paper was quite easy so praying hard for it >.< ) and of course, there's Add Maths and 2 science subject, Bio and Physics..... more worried bout Bio actually..... Chemistry is soo far my strongest subject so i don't have problems there :X, well, whatever it is, prayhard for good results >.< , keep us in your humble prayers :D