Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The pretty busy life , now and ahead till the end of next year

Yea, sorry for no updates in a LLLOOOONNNNGGG time. 

SPM results , 5A's 5B's. no questions pl0x.

Anyways, landed in Form 6, and guess I'm gonna finish another chapter of school in my life. And yes, i admit it, It's damn hard. Like seriously hard.Even though we study some theories and actually understand it, it's more to application when we answer questions. And the questions are DEFINITELY not like the ones in textbooks. 
Getting less time for myself as well. It's more to time management, so I've gotta grasp the skills in order to succeed. And yea, FINALLY got my license for around 2 weeks already, so have been driving to school ever since. :D Scary, but getting used to it, and yea, i can get lost sometimes == sooo bad with roads.... till next time then :D