Friday, February 1, 2013

Living our own life

This post may just serve to be a food for thought kind of thing.

I had a great weekend at EWA13 (Empowered Weekend Away) , and I'm just sad that it ended soo quickly. Well, for me, when it comes towards the end of a great camp, I can't help but to notice that some people are very ' on the spot ' while some are just, the side people, to fill up the space and creates the atmosphere.

The feeling is just there, as if the song 'Creep' by Radiohead says it all. I can't help thinking, these group of people are soo much better than me and I really do look up to them. But I never get to be the one to shine and all. Maybe there are times when I do but it is soo shortlived, like after that, no one ever talks about it anymore and life just goes on.

The food for thought part for this rant is, did God plan our life to be like this? To be the 'side people' always giving support and only there when need be?? Didn't we have our own spotlights in our own life as in we're the main character of our own life?? If so, then what or when is it really my turn to shine in other people's point of view???

But my reasoning brain's answer is this: It is up to us to decide really. It's up to our effort. As in, to be rocking on stage and have your talents shine, it's up to you to take up guitar lessons and training yourself to be that good, or to be dancing in the middle of an estatic crowd because you had pushed youself to learn dance skills. And it is true to a certain point, and that's when.

And that little voice in my head says, "Be prepared with it when opportunity arises. You may not know when but it will come, like the coming of Christ and such, but it will come one day, and that time, just bask yourself in that spotlight."
