Tuesday, July 2, 2013

ER2013 10th Year Anniversary Celebration

First of all, sorry for always being busy and unable to update myself like, even monthly. But then again, I'm writing for fun and I don't really know who's gonna read this. So yea, this post is mainly about my experience throughout this year's Easter Rally (ER) organised by my Parish Youth Ministry (Empowered Ministry). What made me write this post was due to the post ER video that I've just re-watched and thinking to myself, it doesn't do justice to let this go without saying anything so yea, and I don't wanna flood my FB wall, so since this place needed much update, I'll go with that.

At first, I seriously did not look forward to it. I mean, I've been to past ER's and I think that I've kind of have the idea of what's going on and all. And especially the fact that I'm serving as an assistant leader, it's kinda hard juggling my life around (although I'm having my break now). The few months before ER, I'm constantly bombarded with questions from my family members e.g. "Why come home so late?", "Why always go church?", "Why always not at home?" And it's also kind of tough because I was trying to settle with my application to my college at that time.
It wasn't going well for me emotionally because I know I should focus on my application but in the end I still decided to take up the challenge of what needs to be done for ER. For my part is the responsibility as an assistant leader for the Logistic and Technical team (LogTech for short) , the 10 things to do video in a worship concert rally, the global Rise Up dance video (spend at least 3-4 sleepless nights + red bulls to finish both the drafts of the videos), and lightings for the main hall and also the concert.

On the week of ER (possibly the most frustrating week ever) my drafts of the videos were not quite up to expectations and therefore redo with what I have. Juggling that with the proper setup for rehearsals and the setup for the outdoor concert. It was mentally and physically tiring. And of course, emotionally as well, but I kept everything inside, well most of it to myself but it was frustrating to see the things you worked half dead for being scraped off. But still, it WAS not up the my quality of work and I had no choice but to "right my wrongs".

ER finally came. Shrug off the feelings and tiredness. Happy to see my friends from Penang, felt bad I don't have alot of time to spend for them. Running around the centre like a madman, going up and down the stairs, setting up and down during changeovers. Second day was more hectic as we need to complete the setup at Amphitheater, so it was running around two venues, and also my car rammed into a wall (was left parking in first gear, but I didn't check because I wasn't the last one to drive it). Doing my best to not breakdown suddenly, ministering to others and their needs. Finished what needs to be done and all else doing it with the heart of humility. Knowing that what I'm doing is for the sake of drawing people towards Christ.

And now, looking back at what we've achieved, organizing one of the biggest worship concert in the country, drawing over 4000 crowds, having participants from all over Malaysia and also Brunei to join in our conference, it felt like I was meant to be there.

I can't imagine myself not being part of this year's ER. It has impacted me in ways that I didn't even know myself. Being able to learn new things, being a part of such a big event, and above all, learning about service to others through serving. I'm only able to go through this by His strength alone. If not I would have gave up long ago. I thank you all for those who went through this trial with me, Empowered Ministry who has been like my second family and also to God for giving me this opportunity to serve your people.

So here's the post ER video, enjoy it :)