Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Going back home to at least relax for a bit but... Hell went loose when I left.

*This is a rant post, so click away to avoid the messy drama in the life of mine.

          I have a few "words of wisdom" for people out there who are constantly judging people around themselves, especially their family, relatives and friends. Don't put an expectation on people as if they owe you a million dollars.

          For my last semester break, I took the one month off going back to my hometown, Kuching. It was nice being home, but some shit happened to my phone right before my flight. That's one. Because of that, just when I got into the car, I got a thousand of questions from my mum and then, an earful. That's two. Knowing that I'm back for at least a month, I decided to take a break before I kickstart with two of my assignments which I have to finish before I go back to KL. That's three. Being a Leader for a ministry is also eating up to my time, but I willingly give because that's the only way I feel I could give back to God, so that's four. Then, preparation for Chinese New Year wasn't an easy task to do especially when my mum nags me to finish all the chores on top of trying to finish my assignments and with two siblings who are pretty much doing nothing? That's five. 2 days of Chinese New Year and a farewell dinner at my friends house, and then with last minute looking for a luggage bag all by myself and by the end of it all, went back home and I got nagged because I didn't make the effort of going to see my grandparents? I DID, although it's not Chinese New Year but I did during my cousin's birthday celebration and you know what, that's not as important as Chinese New Year. That's fair. I mean, I did think about it, but I set my priorities wrongly. So I was wrong for that. That's six?

And by the end of it all, most of my time to do assignments are taken up by:- My phone issue, my friends who I should see and may never meet until they are getting married, my close friends from ministry who sometimes expect me to be there just because, the chores and shit I did at home, one of my assignments left with one incomplete one due to all these. And with some of my asshole relatives who always have big mouth to say things like "Granpa sick also didn't go and visit, someone got freedom can fly away already la?" and rub it in my face. Like hello? I've seen him twice and that's none of your concern. I did not spend 8.9k a semester just to fuck up with my time to not do assignments and it has already been taken away by my fucking chores. Who the fuck are you to even judge me when all you do is just work after SPM? I'm upgrading myself for a better future and you have the guts to say that to me?

Some people just doesn't want to grow up from a world of mobile games and pretending to be chao ah lien (chinese whores). They don'e even know how poisonous the words are coming out from their mouth and they expect you to return and do the things that they say? It's because of people like you I don't wanna go back. Now the thought of going back makes me think twice. But that's unimportant. Haters gonna hate. She don't understand the pressure I'm dealing with. She doesn't even know the pressure of a college student. All I did is juggle my time so that I can make the most out of it. And I can't please everyone, not even my family. So people, please think less of me. Don't put expectations on me. I'm a nobody, just doing my own fucking business. You don't like it, what does that got to do with me? It's your problem that you don't like it. Learn to like it.