Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The “I am only telling you this through my experience” Experience

I recently have random chats with strangers when meeting them for the first time (either face to face, or just a random chat or dating site). It just gets me at times because they way people portray themselves when they first meet you is to judge your standings. I’m not saying that the advice they give you is bad, I’m saying of the way they give advice to you tend to be attacking you on how you should live your life. I do enjoy getting advice, filter what I need and what I don’t, and still can make my own decisions. But some people take this seriously as a matter of fact that they are receiving advice they don’t want to hear from strangers who don’t know what they’ve been through.

From this particular experience with an Uber driver, who started off with criticising where I waited for him to arrive, to where I should wait, to why it would be easier to get a car at my position, to advising on my loans on how to get it approved (was annoyed starting here cause I already went through the trouble of getting the loan and getting it approved already)-à to which when he heard about my income, my loan and all he said it’ll not be approved, and then asking about what car I’m getting, to talking about the car I’m getting is being targeted due to an accident that killed a family, to him ranting about his children and being angry at my generation (to which I agree for the most part) for silly and petty things, to what I’m doing, and to finally give me MORE advice about Sound System. Who knew a car ride with Uber would be this intense? He also kept on repeating the line “I’m only telling you this through my experience” which in a way I symphatize with and for him.

I’ll just put this as a note and a reminder to myself. I usually don’t go advising people and asking them to do things unless I’m asked to by they themselves. That’s because I know how it feels like being pushed around by other people when you never asked for it. Though the intentions may be good, it might be the very thing that can cause indecisiveness and low self esteem in people.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Shit. My last post was back in 2014?

Hello again. It has been more than a year.

I was feeling up to writing something but since it has been so long, maybe a recap in my life so far would be a better post.

Gotta let it all be known I guess, so whatever questions you may want to ask after reading this (even as awkward things can be, just shoot, and know that I can go through that with you. Do promise me that you can go through that awkward phase as well.)

I'm FINALLY done with my studies!! But I have A LOT of pending assignments...

I've been doing a lot of college stuff and I'm finally done with my last paper for my Diploma! Hooray! Finally, I can stop dealing with shitty (I'll promise to keep cussing to the minimal) things and get on to more on hand stuff.

For some of you who may not know, I'm doing Diploma in Creative Media Technology in SAE Institute Malaysia. My diploma covers Audio Engineering, Designing, Animation and Film. I really just want the Audio Engineering part, but in a way (like most of the students there) I was tricked, and thinking about how much courage I muster and fought with my parents about my decision to come here, I wasn't going to quit in the get go. So I had to go through loops of fire and drowning waters to be able to finally say I'm done with the papers part. For assignments, well, that's another thing to worry about.

I've taken a part - time job in Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall

My dad asked me to take a part-time job while I'm studying here. At first, it was such a hassle with me living near the factory areas in Subang, and buses are SO NOT CONVENIENT at time. It's either they came too early or too darn late. But knowing I need to do this to just help to lessen the load off my parent's financial plans, I did.

I'm working as part of the Customer Care in their Concierge Team. Sounds like some grand job, but it's not. Memorising the mall's shops and locations, knowing the full details of events and promotions and lastly, (something that I can't believe why I'm doing this) to handle customers, whatever you name it. I guess being in places like Sarawak or Sabah, you can deal with people to a certain extend, but the people over this side has a higher stress level than back home. Well, it's a good experience though, learning how to smile while inside your head you've mentally killed the person you're talking to 1000000000 times.

I've decided to stay in this part of Malaysia for about 5-10 years.

It's not that I hate working back home, honestly. But 1 thing I've realised that to work back in Kuching, you need a certain degree of expertise and experience to actually be more stable. I'm talking about being good at what you do, build up my own repertoire of successes and achievements. 

I do know some people who are in this industry who are doing well back at home, but that's because they have good experiences outside of Kuching before going back there. And some people who went back straight and work, they can manage with their own network and skills. For me I'd like to focus on myself, improving and shaping myself before I can safely go back with a worriless heart.

So that's the general stuff that has been happening. Minor stuffs will be coming out soon I promise!

