Sunday, March 20, 2016

Closing Into April 2016...

It's closing into April 2016, and I feel like I've been stuck in one place for far too long ever since my last class of college in September last year. Finances aren't going well either, drama rate is increasing ever so slightly, and the constant worries of what life might throw at me at the next corner.

For now, I'm focusing on my assignments (which I always told myself everyday and procrastinate, sorry, FUTURE ME) and I'm moving at a snail-like pace. I have my deadlines and I worry I might not make it. It has something to do with the overbearing stress of having too many things to do and not being able to do it cause I'm paralysed by the thought of it. But I'll continue to push myself forward to finish it by whatever means necessary.

I've also been challenged by life on a daily basis for the past few months. Financially speaking, It's a miracle I'm surviving in K-Hell (my term of KL) but it works and I thank God for the providence, although sometimes it's hard to go to church since I'm mostly busy all the time, still not a valid excuse and I'll need to save that for my next confession.

And I'm not even remotely closing anywhere I want to do that is relating to what I dream of doing. My goals and dreams in life is growing ever more further away. And it's not fun looking at other people achieving more than you ever want to be in your own field, and you're sitting here doing nothing. I'm happy for them of course, but I envy them. I know they worked hard for it and they deserved it, so good job and kudos to them. But I do hope to get things done first before worrying about it. One day and soon enough, I'll be there.

Till then...