Thursday, December 31, 2009

The End of 2009 ~

Finally, another year finished. A whole chapter of life was written in history, lots of new friends and had a great time with you guys. Gosh, next year form 5, dunno whether I'll do well or not for studies, but with God nothing is impossible. It has been great this year, with lots of things to do. I guess the highlight would still be the year end CE09. And of course, all the bad parts, the arguing, the frustrations with people who keep on pulling each others hair during any event at all. This all, we will cherish. And whatever we learn this year, may it be a lesson for the future to come :D.

2010 Resolution:-
-Must remember to stick to this resolution at all cost :)
-Improve academically
-Resist Temptations!
-Guitar skills improvements
-Not to overspend my pocket money
-A basketball shoe and a basketball
-An acoustic guitar
-To Finish the OT (lol)

i guess that's it for now :),


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