Thursday, December 9, 2010

Grrrr.....sooo boredd!!!

Hey peeps.... it's after SPM bio paper, yea, so i was looking forward to a fun-filled day, but crap, i haven't got my license yet..... woke up at 9, FB and maple abit, then i was like, to hell with this cos it's after SPM and I'm still stuck with a FRIGGIN ANCIENT LAPTOP!! and yea, im still using broadband, so sue me people, I CANT EVEN DOWNLOAD THINGS......

So for that i can't really maple and all, LAG MAKES ME LOSE MY EXPERIENCE PERCENTAGE BY 10 O.o.... haizzz, not to even say bossing..... crap my life, i want some things to be better, hate being the middle child ==

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Can't shake this feeling.......

Yea, the feeling...... most of us felt it before, but it just sucks. The feeling of being alone and just.... being alone, like for that moment, no one actually even care whether u exist or not. It's pitiful, and I can't stop feeling it. It's just there, it's hard, it's cold, whatever it is. It's like what I'm doing NOW, blogging to this empty wall, and knowingly well that no one is reading it... 

Yea this is a rant post.... Just had a hard time from Physics exam.... Looking forward for I still cling on the hope that the best is always yet to come...
