Thursday, December 9, 2010

Grrrr.....sooo boredd!!!

Hey peeps.... it's after SPM bio paper, yea, so i was looking forward to a fun-filled day, but crap, i haven't got my license yet..... woke up at 9, FB and maple abit, then i was like, to hell with this cos it's after SPM and I'm still stuck with a FRIGGIN ANCIENT LAPTOP!! and yea, im still using broadband, so sue me people, I CANT EVEN DOWNLOAD THINGS......

So for that i can't really maple and all, LAG MAKES ME LOSE MY EXPERIENCE PERCENTAGE BY 10 O.o.... haizzz, not to even say bossing..... crap my life, i want some things to be better, hate being the middle child ==


  1. Olie Olie..
    Come join caroling practices.

  2. i will..... haha, will be joining caroling xD


leaving words~