Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Question of "How Are You?"

So I've been wondering, how I always tend to get questions of "How are you (doing)?" And I would always answer "I'm fine" or "OK, I guess". This got me thinking of how mundane this question has become to me.

How do I know if someone really want to or genuinely ask that question to me just to know of my well being. And even tougher for me to figure out is how do I answer them back? I've come to the point in life where I'll go; "Whatever happens to me, it'll happen" or "Shit happens" and just let my life run through without really knowing it like watching a movie and doze off, and then wake up to catch a scene and dose off.

I realised I have been under that condition for the longest of time, never really chase after the things I want, or never really living out my life, to the extent I don't really whether I'm doing fine or not.

Or, am I only thinking this too far, or it's just that the question of "How are you?" really has no meaning to it because even if you let out all the problems you're facing of how do you feel, how your day went, etc... the one listening might not be caring enough OR understanding your situation to know exactly how you feel and what you went through, and instead of ranting out to the person who asked, the only appropriate answer is just to say "Fine.", "OK" and pretend to yourself once more and going through life again?

Well, that's just a random thought.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Greetings from Subang (Intro Chapter to Subang Study Life)

It's coming to a month living and studying in Subang. One thing's for sure, I don't know what to do with my free time... not like back home when my life is ministry + work/school (Form 6). But here's it's like; "I wish I was back home to be distracted with work, especially the ministry". Yes, I'm missing the life back there, but somehow, I know I need to move one from that and also in life.

          So my fellow readers (whoever you may be especially those three people who followed me ;P) good news is that I get to have more time to write.

        Bad news, oh yes, there's a bad news... there will be alot of rants of being homesick and missing my friends back in Kuching. Of course, not all post will be about rants. Let's not keep this blog that way, if not, everyone who reads this will get upset and unfollow me. :X

      All in all, I'm glad to have moved from Kuching to Subang for my studies, as it is like a step forward in my life. I'll let God lead me (at least I'll try) to wherever He may lead.