Saturday, January 30, 2010

Let me decide for myself!

Gosh, had a very terrible shopping.... Wanted to get some 'refreshment' for the old wardrobe, was intending to buy jeans and of course... SURF PANTS xD, could actually buy one, but Mom don't allow. Can't believe she did that, and she won't even listen to me when I try to explain the customer's service counter is on th top floor, she sengaja go the ground floor... haiz....

Well, I'm happy with only one item that was bought and that is the new Oreef jeans I get, for RM96 (yes, expensive I know)after a 20% discount. Could have bought a nice surf pants too, but too bad, tough luck. Alex promise to buy me one for last christmas present, but we hadn't contact each other for so long... And now everyone is at EWA, so I don't expect to see them all tonight at mass...... Grrr, will find my chance to get A SURF PANTS~

Till then, Chao~

Friday, January 29, 2010

First time humiliation in 2010?? and other stuffs...

SHIT! Didn't finish Add Maths, considering all the other homeworks I had, (BM,English, Sejarah, Chemistry reports, Maths) Gosh, teachers nowadays dunno what we have to go through just to get the job done. WE HAVE A LIFE for God's sake =.=" , and half of it is covered by TUITION and EXTRA CLASSES!!! Am guessing, gonna stand outside of class on Tuesday.... Gosh, asked him whether can pass up on Monday, since he didn't have any class with us, he said no. Well, i dun care, jus gonna pass it on Monday so he should just suck it up to his face! Well, maybe I was wrong, but I think I deserve a second chance considering how 'good' I am to finish your homework so far......

Not only that, the darn Moral teacher, said she don't mind people talking, but then she complaint a second later.... I was like WTF??? Does she even understand the word don't mind?? And she said this out loud ok?? Plus, she was like dunno what activity to do for each Moral classes, so she call us to just read the textbook which is like so wasting time (could have done my Add Maths during this period if she didn't EXIST!) . And gt lecture from Pn.Dewi about not being up to her expectation.... GRRRR Even in B class got expectation, I did not go to A class just to find myself in a lower class with EXPECTATION! lols.... gosh, dunno why la every teacher today like got problem with us one....


EWA (Empowered Weekend Away) started today, and I manage to finish the ER video with the theme and pass it to Pius before they went there.

Well there is some minor mistake with it, but I think I'll just post it out...

yea, there are some minor mistakes, but will fix it as soon as i gt my pen drive back from Pius after EWA, so enjoy xD. (spot the mistake! hehe)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Am I that person?

Was looking through all the past affirmation letters during CE09 and Servant's Retreat....
And some of them was unexpected, while some of them I'm thankful for they are my friends whom I've met and had a good time together., when i saw all those affirmation, I was asking myself that was I like that?? I mean, I may never know it. And besides, someone might just write just to cheer me up, but what if they were sincere?? Hehe, and I don't see me working here, but God himself, that has been working through me all this while. And I'm glad that the Lord had used me in a way to touch 'some people's life'... hehe. Well, that's the update i guess xD.