Saturday, January 30, 2010

Let me decide for myself!

Gosh, had a very terrible shopping.... Wanted to get some 'refreshment' for the old wardrobe, was intending to buy jeans and of course... SURF PANTS xD, could actually buy one, but Mom don't allow. Can't believe she did that, and she won't even listen to me when I try to explain the customer's service counter is on th top floor, she sengaja go the ground floor... haiz....

Well, I'm happy with only one item that was bought and that is the new Oreef jeans I get, for RM96 (yes, expensive I know)after a 20% discount. Could have bought a nice surf pants too, but too bad, tough luck. Alex promise to buy me one for last christmas present, but we hadn't contact each other for so long... And now everyone is at EWA, so I don't expect to see them all tonight at mass...... Grrr, will find my chance to get A SURF PANTS~

Till then, Chao~

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