Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back? lol

Yes, i know, haven't been posting in ahwhie, there's soo much to say, but mostly negatives ones since I'm the type of person who doesn't have anything interesting in his life... (it's just an on-going routine O.o) Haha... Just spend most of my time, reading manga, watching anime, and lvling my MS character.... gosh , soo lazy to get to third job, and its like 4 lvls away.......

ER is coming in its way and the sad news? I can't go... yea, just because of SPM year and parents being fussy bout this (altho it doesn't make sense cos' its like only a few hours??? )... SPM year had been sucking the blood out of me... (mostly to anyone who feels it) like the example above, my first test results was kinda bad.... get two fails and 3 4x% subjects.... in an insufficient fund state, and above all, home isn't not really like home anymore...... haizzz, also wonder what happen....

Seek revelation from God @.@ lols, yea, since I spend less time in Empowered, I kinda feel like the gap in the relationship is growing..... my behavior changes too, i notice.... But I had been trying hard to improve in guitar and some of my weak subjects. For now, i can say that I'm confident in Chemistry( for some reason, Form 4 topics are kinda harder than Form 5 o.o) and I'm struggling with Bio including Physics........

Well, guess that's it from me, till next time i guess, gonna try to update more... Ciao~

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