Monday, April 19, 2010


Just another post, to keep this thing alive.... hehe, updates.... School exam is coming in three weeks time, all form 4 chapters are coming out. And there is the issue of my mom keep on nag nag nag nag nag..... lol, yea keep on saying bad stuff about me and the thing im facing now, the computer. She nag me, then complain to my sis in Adelaide, then my sis sms me to tell me what she said..... and I forgot to tell her that, its something like, during your SPM year, you still have commitments for clubs in school, but she don't allow you to go for it, cos i kinda sacrifice most of my activities, and i can't let this one go......k, moving on, ER2010 is coming soon, and its one of the things i sacrificed to not go this year, will miss some important stuff, but they wun understand larh =.=" lol. That's about it I guess.

BTW, i got this from my dream, dunno what it means, i think it was some kinda gathering in St.Joseph's school canteen , and were carrying stuff, then Alex Lee sang this first sentence of a song, "Holding onto you......." and i woke up with that stuck in my head for quite ahwhile now, might be able to compose a song but, it will be too late for the song writing competition for ER, and i have a good bridge for it already, the only thing is the chorus and the rest of the verse..... will update bout it, if I'm passionate bout finishing it of course :)

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