Sunday, July 18, 2010

crazy saturday and sunday

Yesterday (Saturday) , instead of having my usal morning add maths tuition, went off to a program called CLIOD (College Life In One Day) program organise by Taylor's College..... i pick Architecture class instead off SAM (South Australian Matriculation) which Amelia picked. Well it was fun. In Architecture class, we get to build stuff with legos. Some were chosen to build buildings while some were chosen to build a fotress/base. Then the fotress will present their model and say its advantage in defence, design and shape while the weapons will be presented and state their effectiveness againts which fotress they choose to destroy. Then we were ask to build bridges from straws and legos with the help of cellophone tape. It was fun, but too bad no pics. Then they days went on as usual, go to tuition on the afternoon and then mass.

For this morning, went off to the Sri Sarjana Form 4/5 revision for physics. Wanted to go for chemistry but went to walk walk instead with Isaac and Jonathan... went for lunch at hock lee, then go window shopping, and more window shopping and then Jonathan say, lets go 'The Rock Shop'. This shop, my first impression was, WTF! Seriously??... but when i saw the brands and the price i was like @.@.... imagine a original surf pants could cost you bout easily more than 100 ringgit? but here its like half price!!! yea, but din buy anything cos no money =.=" LOL...... sad life... haha... will go back there to buy something to fill my wardrobe!! And then went off to 'OneTJ' to look at computers specs and stuff.... Isaac remember about his father's coming birthday and bought him an 8GB pendrive.... and Jonathan just wanna find out more about the laptop he wishes to buy :O.....then we went home....well practically, they went hom....Jon was lazy to drive me back home, so he drop me at Isaac's place and i walk home ....... 40 minutes... reach home and sit in front of the computer till now.... so yea :P well, thats what has been happening to my life so far i guess? Chaoz~

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