Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sinners yet forgiven

Yes... lets face it.... WE ALL SIN .... not trying to condemn us or anything but its human to sin. The reason why this post came up to me was what I did randomly always.... flipping through the bible hoping God would speak to me through the page where i will stop. (Lol) yea.... soo i almost did it until i saw a poem i copy in a piece of paper in the bible. The poem was copied from one of the pictures in St. Lucas Centre, lols. It goes like this

When things go wrong,as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging, seems all uphill.
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but have to sigh.

When care is pressing, you down abit,
If you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer, with its twist and turns,
As everyone of us, sometimes learn.
And many a failure, turn about,
When he(Jesus) might have won have he stuck it out?

Don't give up, though the pace seems slow
You may succeed, with another blow

Success is failure, turn inside out,
The silver tint, of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell, how close you are,
It may be near, when it seems so far.

So stick in the fight, when you're hardest hit,
It is when things seems worse, you must not quit.

Don't quit! (forgetting what lies behind and reaching foward to what lies ahead) Phil 3:13

Yes, its long but meaningful. I was curious what this poem is about. I thought its only life in general, but specifically what?? So i looked into Phil 3:13. It was St.Paul's message to the Phillipians, saying "Of course my friends, I really do not think I have already won it; the one thing i do, however is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead"

Then, i flip to the book of the first letter to Timothy. I read BLINDLY then my eyes were caught on the verse 1 Tim 1:12-16. It speaks of Paul's conversion to Chriastianity. Now for those who don't know Paul, he was a Pharisee and prosecuted the Catholics in the beginning after Christ's ascension into heaven when the gospel was preach. He also stoned one of the faithful disciple to death. Altho he did alot of bad stuff, in the end it was he who contributed the most in preaching the Gospel worldwide!

So from his story, we can conclude one thing. Everyone is a sinner, even a Saint! Then we should learn from his story. to forget what wrong we do in the past, no matter how bad. Lying, stealing, everything will be of the past, provided that only you repent and make an effort to stop sinning. Paul doesn't just stop by just believing in Jesus, he became one of his faithful apostle and went to the extend to go againts the pharisees and spread the gospel. So we should repent, confessing our sins through the sacrament of confession is not enough. This include prayer and time of course. This isn't just a one day thing.... It might be longer than 20 years to just stop yourself from doing one sin! But always believe in God's promise of prayer that He will help you to stop sinning. Keep on praying and keep on trying. NEVER GIVE UP! Do not give up on the hope that Jesus death on the cross means that sin will not overpower our lives! Which brings us backs to the poem itself :).

I would like to end with this.
Fr.John Corapi shared this message:
Everyone has a bad habit, it might be pornography, sexual harrasments , stealing, one-night stand. I don't care who you are you have a weakness. Everyone has one~

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