Saturday, December 24, 2011

Lots of thinking to do

Wish there's a thinking cap sold  around. Really need one to make up my mind on what to do in life. So far what scares me most is to not know what to do in life. It's not that I don't have ambitions, but it's just I have soo many things that I want to do, but I only can choose one.
One of the dreams I really like to pursue is Piloting.

Sadly, I have a low self-esteem issue on this as Piloting in real life is not really a course like a degree or whatsoever. It's not even a Pre-U education. Technically, it's just a license you get and with that license you can fly for any airline that is short handed on pilots. Plus, the fee for the license is remarkably outstanding. It can cost up to half the price of a house... Imagine that. But I really do put some hope in this by asking friend's parents who worked in the airline industries for help and all. At least if I can get the money to pursue this, I won't have to continue Form 6.

The second best choice for now to think about would be Mass Communications.

But seriously. I don't mind the job and all, but it's not soo much of stress-free job. I'm editting videos for my youth ministry and that is already stressful enough. Why bother doing something that put stress on myself you may ask? Maybe because I already have some basic knowledge over it and it will be easy in terms of experiences. But yea, it is still something to consider.

Oh well. It's not like only myself go through the problem. I guess lots of other people went through that as well and some even soul search on what they want to do. But I really respect those who really know what they really want in life.

So for those who really know what they are doing, congrats. But for those who're in the same boat as me, or almost in the same boat as me, maybe you can share about it :) Not everyone go through their life in a smooth sail.

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