Friday, December 23, 2011

Updates of a Million Hours ever since... well the last post

Hello there... It's been awhile... Like way over awhile. And soo, since it is like 8 more days to the end of 2011, I'll just summarize what I've been living through this year. First off, National Service (NS for short, or An Ass) . I left for the first batch NS in Negeri Sembilan (NS, what a coincidence?), Rembau in Kem Ulu Pari. Not knowing it was my senior's camp as well. Of well, it's a bitter sweet memory where I met some new friends and actually improve my mandarin little by little.
Next off, is the void of emptiness of not knowing what to do for about a month. Besides being back with Empowered Ministry (St. Joseph's Cathedral's Parish Youth Ministry), I felt like I wasted the time by not working and all. But I did busied myself with producing videos for ER and all.
Then, came the thing I fear most, Form 6. It's not that bad, but seriously, Don't ever trust yourself when you say you wanna go to Form 6. It's Hell, being an ASIAN and FAIL almost EVERY time is like being F*****. There begins my stress, and not only is it tiring, but my school (St.Joseph's Secondary school) has change tremendously ever since that ASS took over. And to top it off, sorry to say but the Prefectorial Board of the year after I left also changed alot. But oh well, what's done is done. Not my shit to clean anyways.
Moving on to the holidays then. Well, I did studied but it was only abit and I barely remember them. All because we're having exams when school reopens really Eff-ed up my holidays. It's like a mood spoiler. I decided to take a part time job (as a waiter) at my friend's place at The Spring Shopping Mall. Three letter word... WOW. The experience was actually great. It's fun, but sometimes boring. Maybe it's because my friend was there and he's like 'the boss' around and he let me have all the fun, but yea.. It was a good experience. After doing it of course I have few thingsto say about customers. Some are nice, some are plain dumb and some are just inhuman. For the nice ones, I have not much to say but just Thank You very much for treating us waiters and waitresses like humans. But for the dumb ones, I have nothing to say. Imagine someone ordered a toast and said, "It's dry, so it's not fresh". OF COURSE IT'S DRY, why is it called a toast?!?!?! Felt like slapping them for their stupidity sometimes, always think they know about stuff.

Oh well, That's pretty much I have for updates. Sorry for the LOOOONNNNGGG time of no updating and yea, don't really get that much time either when school starts again. I promise to update at least once every month. So till then :)

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