Thursday, January 17, 2013

I know it's kind of a little late, but I feel that 2013 is gonna be a great year. Am feeling good about what's gonna happen and I really feel that hopes and dreams will fill in the blanks of my life. Hopefully it really does come true.

If you've been following and reading my depressing posts last time, I had a dream to be a pilot. Of course, this wasn't really on my mind last time. If you'd asked me when I was in Form 3 (15 years old) , I would say I want to be either an Engineer or a Videographer. But my dad made me change my mind by allowing me to choose Aviation. So as of now, I have 2 achievement I would liked to fulfill.

Why I wanted to be a pilot was because of the travelling, mostly. I don't get to travel alot growing up and seriously, I've never been out of Malaysia. I'm like super excited to see the outside world. The other reason was I know I can't get tied down to a boring job and flying seems fun with the feeling of being free up in the sky. It may sound childish but yes, it is my reason no matter what.

So my first achievement is to become a pilot and work until I'm super rich (or enough for the rest of my life). As of lately, this dream is becoming more and more blurry as you all may know, getting a job as a pilot is not easy. But I'll follow my dad's advice which is to worry about the job when you've reached there. For now focus on applying through airlines and flying academy, which is what I've been doing (researching and stuff) for the past 2 months. I've recently applied for AirAsia's cadetship once more, hopefully I can pass their exams and be bonded with them after I finish the training there :)

Secondly, if all goes well with being a pilot, after getting all the money, I will setup a photography and videography studio. I fell in love with both photography and videography during my high school days, but I never get the chance to really polish my skills because, well... cameras are fucking expensive. But I know it is something that I can venture through if I've got the money and I have confidence with my perspective. So these 2 dreams are considered my long term life goals.

God please help me through this. But if He has a bigger and better picture for me, why not right? I'll just have to follow what He thinks it's best for me. Still , these are the things that I wanna do and hopefully, I will fulfill it :)

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