Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why are you still friends with him/her?

Hey guys. So I was asked with a question like that before. "Why are you guys still friends?"
There's a lot of situations in the case of people posing this question to me at a time.

For example (no one shall be named):
-when he was a bully towards you in the past
-when he was the closest person in your family
-when he should be a role model instead of bullying you around
-when everyone is againts him for doing "stuff" to others
-when he make a move on your crush knowing that you did ever since you met him
-when he broke your crush's heart
-when she does not want to get into a relationship but still go for other guys (friendzoned)
-when he's retarded
-when you treat those like a real brother but they treat you lesser than a friend
- etc...

I've never really thought of it that well. It seems to me that most my friends, I don't know them that well sometimes. Sure, I have close friends who I can always joke around with or talk with about anything in the world. And I also have no regrets getting to know and befriend a person. I always look forward an opportunity to make the best out of a friendship. (My foster brother can agree to this)

Well, I guess it's because I always believed that no one is perfect. Every person that you meet, every person that walked on this earth, comes with good and bad. NO ONE IS PERFECT. It might be naive but sometimes through friendships, we made each other perfect. Giving support, encouragement that will eventually mould each other into a better person.

So to me, my advice is to see through pass your friend's weaknesses, help them to better themselves and while doing so, learn from them to better yourself. It is only right because YOU ARE NOT PERFECT TOO.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and Love your neighbour as yourself - Luke 10:27

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In Many Forms, In Many Ways. God.

Hey guys! It's my week off in college. Thought I'd take some time to write this.

First off, I'd like to confess, and maybe ask you guy to continue to keep me in prayers. I haven't been to mass for 3 weeks... and I'm desperately need it.. and hope that this coming cell, I'd be going to mass in the coming Sunday.

Then this goes to one story related to Church. Well, do you know the feeling of breaking down in front of a person? I'm assuming that you know and just going to continue from there. This is a story of me being God's instrument to those who really seek Him. It happened way back like 2 years ago? So it goes like this.

It was after Sunset Mass in St. Joseph's Cathedral, Kuching. Mass finished unusually early due to a short sermon. It was one of the most uplifting and peaceful mass as I remembered it. The hymns and music were great.
Just when the congregation were leaving the pews, going to their car and going to dinner, I saw an old acquaintance of mine from Bible Knowledge class, kneeling down in one of the pews. praying. Her name is Karen. And we don't really know each other that well, just that her mum was my Bahasa Malaysia (BM) teacher, something gave me the feeling to just go and talk to her.
And so I went and sat beside her, waiting for her to finish her prayers, and then, she just sat down from kneeling. We didn't talk. I sensed a certain emotional atmosphere. The next thing I know, I hear sobs. When I turned around, she was crying. And honestly, I did not know what to do.
She cried, without saying anything, and I was just sitting there, not knowing what to do to comfort her. And then, it stops. And then the words came out from my mouth, "Are you ok now?". She nodded, and I gave her a hug. Then she said , "Thanks" and then left with a smile.

To me, this was a personal experience of mine to share on a few things. One, that God can use anyone at all, including you to reach and comfort others, no matter who you are, with or without experience.  Two, that God doesn't need to use fancy fancy appearances (not in this lifetime anyways, or not too much I guess) and do wonders and miracles. We're Christians and we should be the one doing His will, that is to Love Him and Love our neighbour as how He Loved us. Three, it does not take that much to see or experience God. All there is is with a little faith, and trust. I believe that is important.

One other thing that strikes me was that this thing about breaking down in front of someone and feeling better. It takes all your pride, humiliating yourself in front of someone, humble to seek help and to let someone know of your troubles. And if you are the person on the comforting side, always have a listening ear. To listen without judging. And it's tough too because these kind of people hardly exist these days. Then there's no one who's there to listen to others. What would be the world then?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Accountability Partner


It's not that hard, but it's not that easy either. I dunno what I'm doing right, or what I'm doing wrong. I only have the choice of letting God to lead us in this. We may be accountable to our parents, our girlfriend/boyfriend, our leaders or our best friend. But what makes an accountability partner different from those? Do we only share about our faith and lives just because we're needed to, or do we do more than those mentioned above? What level of intimacy should be given into account to this relationship? And does it mean it's more important than other relationships?

Sure we need to be reminded that God is the centre for every relationship, but how do we put Him in that relationship? In my experimental Accountability Partnership, I know now why it is necessary. Not because we only wanted this, but also we share the same thoughts, to bring ourself close to God in our journey of faith together. At time when I felt being left out on things back home, I'm always reminded to focus on what He has planned in front of me. When my accountability partner is in need of prayers, I'll keep him in my prayers. When I fell into my temptations of sin, I was reprimanded and was kept in his prayers. And also, this person whom I've known for years, it seems that only now, I get to really know him personally than just being an acquaintance to me.

The funny thing is that, this "Accountability Partnership" thing was not taught to me EVEN IF I'M IN A MISSIONARY SCHOOL. Even in Church, I've never heard of it before. I only found it out from one of my close friend named Pius. Everytime when he speak of it, I think to myself, "It must be nice to have someone there for you 24/7, realistic, and talking back to you." because it's not easy picturing what God would actually say to me, even if He's around 24/7.

In my opinion, I think that this partnership is necessary in our own spiritual growth. Practising to be accountable to each other helps ourself to be more aware of our own actions and our own lives. And also the human heart has the tendency to grow restless and weary without being cared for. It helps to constantly fuel the passion toward Christ. But let us not forget that having this relationship does not replace God in your life. God should always be the number one in your heart. If not, then you have a serious reflection to do. Accountability partners should be there to help your journey towards Christ but not replacing it.

So far, it has been a month since I've been partnered with Iain. It has been great, but I regret having him as my partner 2 weeks before I left. He felt the same, but it doesn't mean we're both gonna give up. It has been tough for me since I'm in a new place and I have to get use to a new lifestyle. I don't expect him to understand because he has never been through the experience but I expect him to be there when I need it. We're still in the experimental stage, and I hope that we can one day be an example to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

So, do you wish to journey with someone towards God? Do you have a desire to share about your faith  troubles with someone, and to go through it together? Then you need an Accountability Partner! :)