Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In Many Forms, In Many Ways. God.

Hey guys! It's my week off in college. Thought I'd take some time to write this.

First off, I'd like to confess, and maybe ask you guy to continue to keep me in prayers. I haven't been to mass for 3 weeks... and I'm desperately need it.. and hope that this coming cell, I'd be going to mass in the coming Sunday.

Then this goes to one story related to Church. Well, do you know the feeling of breaking down in front of a person? I'm assuming that you know and just going to continue from there. This is a story of me being God's instrument to those who really seek Him. It happened way back like 2 years ago? So it goes like this.

It was after Sunset Mass in St. Joseph's Cathedral, Kuching. Mass finished unusually early due to a short sermon. It was one of the most uplifting and peaceful mass as I remembered it. The hymns and music were great.
Just when the congregation were leaving the pews, going to their car and going to dinner, I saw an old acquaintance of mine from Bible Knowledge class, kneeling down in one of the pews. praying. Her name is Karen. And we don't really know each other that well, just that her mum was my Bahasa Malaysia (BM) teacher, something gave me the feeling to just go and talk to her.
And so I went and sat beside her, waiting for her to finish her prayers, and then, she just sat down from kneeling. We didn't talk. I sensed a certain emotional atmosphere. The next thing I know, I hear sobs. When I turned around, she was crying. And honestly, I did not know what to do.
She cried, without saying anything, and I was just sitting there, not knowing what to do to comfort her. And then, it stops. And then the words came out from my mouth, "Are you ok now?". She nodded, and I gave her a hug. Then she said , "Thanks" and then left with a smile.

To me, this was a personal experience of mine to share on a few things. One, that God can use anyone at all, including you to reach and comfort others, no matter who you are, with or without experience.  Two, that God doesn't need to use fancy fancy appearances (not in this lifetime anyways, or not too much I guess) and do wonders and miracles. We're Christians and we should be the one doing His will, that is to Love Him and Love our neighbour as how He Loved us. Three, it does not take that much to see or experience God. All there is is with a little faith, and trust. I believe that is important.

One other thing that strikes me was that this thing about breaking down in front of someone and feeling better. It takes all your pride, humiliating yourself in front of someone, humble to seek help and to let someone know of your troubles. And if you are the person on the comforting side, always have a listening ear. To listen without judging. And it's tough too because these kind of people hardly exist these days. Then there's no one who's there to listen to others. What would be the world then?

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