Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why are you still friends with him/her?

Hey guys. So I was asked with a question like that before. "Why are you guys still friends?"
There's a lot of situations in the case of people posing this question to me at a time.

For example (no one shall be named):
-when he was a bully towards you in the past
-when he was the closest person in your family
-when he should be a role model instead of bullying you around
-when everyone is againts him for doing "stuff" to others
-when he make a move on your crush knowing that you did ever since you met him
-when he broke your crush's heart
-when she does not want to get into a relationship but still go for other guys (friendzoned)
-when he's retarded
-when you treat those like a real brother but they treat you lesser than a friend
- etc...

I've never really thought of it that well. It seems to me that most my friends, I don't know them that well sometimes. Sure, I have close friends who I can always joke around with or talk with about anything in the world. And I also have no regrets getting to know and befriend a person. I always look forward an opportunity to make the best out of a friendship. (My foster brother can agree to this)

Well, I guess it's because I always believed that no one is perfect. Every person that you meet, every person that walked on this earth, comes with good and bad. NO ONE IS PERFECT. It might be naive but sometimes through friendships, we made each other perfect. Giving support, encouragement that will eventually mould each other into a better person.

So to me, my advice is to see through pass your friend's weaknesses, help them to better themselves and while doing so, learn from them to better yourself. It is only right because YOU ARE NOT PERFECT TOO.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and Love your neighbour as yourself - Luke 10:27


  1. True... It is in our imperfection that we need God. But God, I believe, has sent us people to help us with our imperfections. I have been there, seen it, done there where people, sometimes the one I least expect came into my life and willingly walk through tough times with me despite of being an arse to them in the past. Through all these months, of all the things I learned, friendship is really beyond all things despite of each other's imperfections. I am still learning, but I would want to embrace each other's imperfection, and move on to be a better person than we were.

    We are all still learning, but certainly you are on the right path. =)

    1. Hahaha! I'm not sure I'm on the right path or not. It takes constant discernment... especially when it concerns my brother. The only way I can forget about it is having my friends who are closer than my brother around.


leaving words~