Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Accountability Partner


It's not that hard, but it's not that easy either. I dunno what I'm doing right, or what I'm doing wrong. I only have the choice of letting God to lead us in this. We may be accountable to our parents, our girlfriend/boyfriend, our leaders or our best friend. But what makes an accountability partner different from those? Do we only share about our faith and lives just because we're needed to, or do we do more than those mentioned above? What level of intimacy should be given into account to this relationship? And does it mean it's more important than other relationships?

Sure we need to be reminded that God is the centre for every relationship, but how do we put Him in that relationship? In my experimental Accountability Partnership, I know now why it is necessary. Not because we only wanted this, but also we share the same thoughts, to bring ourself close to God in our journey of faith together. At time when I felt being left out on things back home, I'm always reminded to focus on what He has planned in front of me. When my accountability partner is in need of prayers, I'll keep him in my prayers. When I fell into my temptations of sin, I was reprimanded and was kept in his prayers. And also, this person whom I've known for years, it seems that only now, I get to really know him personally than just being an acquaintance to me.

The funny thing is that, this "Accountability Partnership" thing was not taught to me EVEN IF I'M IN A MISSIONARY SCHOOL. Even in Church, I've never heard of it before. I only found it out from one of my close friend named Pius. Everytime when he speak of it, I think to myself, "It must be nice to have someone there for you 24/7, realistic, and talking back to you." because it's not easy picturing what God would actually say to me, even if He's around 24/7.

In my opinion, I think that this partnership is necessary in our own spiritual growth. Practising to be accountable to each other helps ourself to be more aware of our own actions and our own lives. And also the human heart has the tendency to grow restless and weary without being cared for. It helps to constantly fuel the passion toward Christ. But let us not forget that having this relationship does not replace God in your life. God should always be the number one in your heart. If not, then you have a serious reflection to do. Accountability partners should be there to help your journey towards Christ but not replacing it.

So far, it has been a month since I've been partnered with Iain. It has been great, but I regret having him as my partner 2 weeks before I left. He felt the same, but it doesn't mean we're both gonna give up. It has been tough for me since I'm in a new place and I have to get use to a new lifestyle. I don't expect him to understand because he has never been through the experience but I expect him to be there when I need it. We're still in the experimental stage, and I hope that we can one day be an example to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

So, do you wish to journey with someone towards God? Do you have a desire to share about your faith  troubles with someone, and to go through it together? Then you need an Accountability Partner! :)

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