Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Of Assignments, Exams and Holidays (Pending)

Hey guys. Just a much needed update since it's coming to the last week of November (Advent started) and here am I going to rant about my CRAZY schedule in this coming month's time. And so I shall start with this.


It's coming to the end of my first semester. It's suppose to be a "Hurray!!" moment for me but it does not seem quite like it because assignments are piling up and I don't know whether I can reach the intended criteria to pass it especially for the "Creative Media" (CM for short) courses which I didn't know I was going to take when I come here. Although it's fun to learn new things, but to expect a miracle work from something new, it takes time for me to perform something, and a miracle is really out of my reach. For short, I have 5 CM course this semester, and two of them have written revision and ALL of them have assignments. So far I had finished with two subject's assignments (2D Illustration (drawing in black and white and also in colour), and also Visual Communication (poster design and painting a shoe) ) That makes it four assignments already.

And the list below are currently the assignments that I'm going to finish before Christmas according to their subjects:-

Digital Imaging (Photoshop)
1. Create a Vector Car Design poster for an exhibition
2. 4 photos taken by using a DSLR with its theme (motion, street, graveyard, and indoor portrait using studio lightings)

Digital Graphics (Illustrator)
1. Create a logo for an organization/awareness/campaign etc.
2. Establish the organization/awareness/campaign by creating designs for it's promotional items, letterhead, envelope, business card.

Studio Studies (pretty easy but damn expensive)
1. Solder cables of different varieties mainly XLR (mic) cables, TS/TRS (jack cables both mono and stereo), RCA cables etc and buying the materials can easily cost up to rm200++

Not very sure about this but I think it's about designing the letters of a word to describe the word using the letters in it.

It's actually sad seeing people posting about when they are going back and it's earlier than you and also your exam ends 2 days before Christmas and you have to be like "I don't wanna get excited because I have exams" but you can't help it? Well, I'm there right now, and I can't concentrate... oh help me get through this ==.

Lastly, one thing I'm grateful of,
is my upcoming holiday, which lasted until 27th January, but I'm extending it to after CNY because it falls on the 31st so might as well... HAHA!! Long Holidays people!!

So yea, kinda in a pinch because my procrastinating mood is getting heavier with the holidays coming around... so it sucks!! Should really consider deactivating FB for awhile to concentrate... hmmm...

well then, till the next update! Cheers!

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