Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Question of LGBT in the Catholic Church

Disclaimer : This post does not mean in anyway to offend any party and to just be clear with the society of what is MY general view as a Catholic on the topic of LGBT.

So I come upon this page ( http://www.tfpstudentaction.org/what-we-do/news-and-updates/i-saw-the-smoke-of-satan-at-georgetown-on-coming-out-day.html?utm_source=sm-tfpsa&utm_medium=email&utm_content=SAE0219&utm_campaign=tfpsa_newsletter ) where in Georgetown University (US) on the Coming Out day, they have the LGBT community doing their awareness. Mind you, GU is an old Catholic University and like in the page it says "one would thought that Catholic doctrine and tradition are upheld there".

Read the post first before continuing.

Done? Ok. Now for my opinion in the matter.

The Cathetism of The Catholic Church says that "homosexual activity" is a sin. Which in any way, I'm not saying that it is wrong because the purpose for sex is sexual intimacy and to reproduce. Without one of it even, it is already considered wrong unless you can't have children due to some health related issues.

But do know this, The Church however DOES NOT CONDEMN the LGBT community, because they are Children of God as well, made in His image and liking. Who are you to condemn them when you're not the one who created them? However, the Church condemns THE SEXUAL ACTIVITIES that involves around them.

From the post above, I'm actually quite ashamed of how some of the questions were asked because the interviewer got his feelings mixed into the interview. But also not for the wrong reasons because he thinks based on the Church's point of view, but his actions however, I have no comment on that.

I have been journeying with a few people who are going through this problems in their life. Think about being in their shoes for a second... You were raised/born a Catholic, and you struggle with your sexuality because of past experiences or health disorder. It scarred you and made you who you are today. And being a person with confused sexuality is wrong according to people who don't really know how it feels like or didn't really fully understand the Church's point of view.

Shame on you who despise them just for being who they are. Whatever happened to Jesus' commandment : Love thy neighbour ?

And for those who are Catholics/Christians who are struggling with their sexuality, I PRAY AND HOPE that you do not involve yourself in "homosexual activities". Understand it fully what homosexual activities are. It is to have physical intimacy with another person of the same gender. Fight the temptation, drown yourself in prayers, celebate yourself, have an accountability partner and tell them what's wrong, constantly seek advice from your spiritual directors/priests. The road to trod WILL be hard, and that will be your cross to carry. You'll be called to a single life for God, to stay chaste and pure for Him.

Homosexuality is a disorder. 1 percent of it is due to health disorders like low hormone levels and born with two sexual organs. The rest, they are struggling with it mentally, some are scarred for life, having their image of the opposite gender soo disfigured and never to find sexual attraction in them.

To all Christians/Catholics out there, I pray that you will help those who are going through with this in their life, and bringing them closer to God by ACCEPTING them for who they are, and journeying with them, giving your continuous support and love.

To those who are confused with their sexuality, continue to seek God. You'll find peace and rest with Him. Do not bother those who are againts you. But also don't get involve in any "physical activity" (you know what I mean) because it'll be harder for you to come back.

That's all for my point of you. I do not mean to offend anyone. It's just one of those random things that I feel I need to speak out about.

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