Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Being True to The Feels and Being Blessed With Friends.

          I told someone in choir the other day that men do have feelings too, and some chose to show it while most of us just hide behind our precious pride. It just show that I'm more human to feel things around, but to act on my feelings is another thing.
          There are times when things just go blatantly wrong and you question The One Above and yourself with the big letter "W". My story will be the Crazy Phone Story. It started with me getting a new phone, it's time to change as well and it's the first smartphone that I have. It's not so much as a "good" model considering it is in the "budget range" smartphone (I'm not that rich guys!) And so, there are ways to upgrade it through rooting (it's and Android phone), and seeing that it's not that smooth even though it's brand new, I decided to go through that.

          The feels start with the news that my Accountability Partner, Iain, is going to live in KL for 4 months for his internship for his Hotel Management diploma, and around the time I came back, it'll be a week gap before his day of flight. We couldn't really find time to hang out with each other so I only get to see him like for around 2 days, with the last day trying to fix my new phone after some rooting complications. His flight was at 7 in the morning last Saturday, and he manage to solve it by 4.10 in the morning. And I felt guilty because he's going to be tired the whole day, being afraid to sleep in the bus on the way to Bukit Bintang because he's a dead sleeper. But he did it for me, and I was quite happy and blessed to get a committed service, and free of charge.

          So that day, before his flight, one of our ministry elder, Ben, flew off to KK and with a connecting flight, flew to the Phillippines to further his studies in theology together with his wife and son, Sarah and Isaac at 6. Iain's flight was after theirs at 7. Then Edna's flight to KL at 9 to also further her studies in degree. It was a day of morning camping at the airport and full of emoness for everyone.

          Then 6 hours after that, the complication of my new rooted phone came back.... And when it happened, I died ALOT inside. The guilt, the feels. And right before mass. Imagine sitting through 10 hours doing the exact same thing for the phone and finally fixed it, then after that it came back, and it wasn't you who did all that but your close friend who will be super tired the next day knowing that but still helped you? And all you did was to bring back the problem? Super guilty ok...

          From this experience of mine, I can honestly say, the start of this year wasn't that great for me. Plus, I have to finish my assignments ASAP. My new phone is still dead, just figuring out how to solve it by myself. And I really thank Iain for his effort. It meant a lot to me. But I'm sorry for the trouble... really. HAHA. Blessed to have someone who cares about my gadgets for me.

So that is kind of the rough patch I'm going through now. Using a spare phone that doesn't support Whatsapp, so yea... life is.... sad... So till the next update of The Crazy Phone Story.

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