Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014, be good to me.

Tis the season where people update blogs, knowing last year as if it was just yesterday....
Hello peeps! So glad to be writing this back in my hometown, in my room, comfortably laying down on my queen sized bed.

Anyways, a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!. Don't even get me started on New Year's Resolution. The only resolution I know is HDR, or 1080, or 720 - HD (lame joke).

So, updates...
1. Semester break.
I've finished my first semester in SAE Institute for my Diploma, and I'm back in Kuching, Sarawak until Chinese New Year (eve on the 30th January). My class was supposed to start on the 27th, but because it's like only a few days away from CNY, I decided to skip the 3 days for a longer holiday. 

2. Holidays aren't really about holidays anymore.
When you've reached this stage, you'd know what I meant by that statement above. I have to finish 2 assignments while I'm back here and I have to send one of my assignment using the courier service because it's due date is 29th of January. Plus, I have to worry about my expenditure because I spent more than I have to due to the case of my new phone, a story to be revealed at a latter time.

3. My expectations back here and the things that are going to happen.
I'm so gonna be broke if I don't find a solution to end my wallet's hunger. The problem was that I still have to do my assignments while at it. EWA is coming and it cost RM100... dunno why it got sooo expensive in the recent years. And also my Accountability Partner, IB won't be around while I'm back here because he'll be leaving to KL for his internship this coming Saturday. Well, hope that I'll be back for ER.

4. My expectations this year as a college student.
More financial crisis, more assignments, more datelines, and I have a slight fear that my laptop will not stand it until the end of this year. But I really hope it will be ok. It still doesn't leave a good feeling in my stomach because I heard the programs that are going to be used after this are quite heavy on the laptop, and most of my seniors recommended MAC. But I really hope this one stays as long as it can.

So here's to another great year ahead! Hope many good things will happen this year! More opportunities to come! Although the truth is, I'm just nearing my death sentence but ain't nobody got time for dat!

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