Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Seen And The Unseen.

*This is just a rant, and it has been bothering me lately, so just a food for thought for all of you, those who are always being seen, and those who are always in the shadows*        

           I always have this feeling of the world going on from where I am. It's like whatever I see with my eyes is really happening, and whatever that I don't see, can only be comfirm by word of mouth or the news. This bothered me sometimes about the things I do sometimes, and I don't get any witnesses around to see what I did, especially the good things. I know how we all talked about humility and being humble but do know this. God did not made each person to be mediocre. There has to be a limelight somewhere for each person. So I'm not wrong to say that people ARE MADE to be seen, acknowledged, and to be looked up to.

          I was having a discussion with someone the other day about life experiences and how it's different for everyone as everyone have different reactions towards things. My friend, who have been on stage, dancing, performing and had always been since our teenage years have NO PROBLEM with self-confidence of course and it shows in his way of conversations and the way he thinks as well. Me, on the other hand, had always have a problem with self-confidence. All through my life of hearing things like, "I don't think you can." , "Are you sure you can do this?" , "Your sister is just special." made me rethink of a life full of things I want to do but am afraid to because of criticism.

          Then, a thought came to my mind of how's the life of being the other person for once? Full of confidence, able to accomplish something and being praised, having people looked up to you and so on. How does it feel like? Will it make me feel excited because I have a certain set of skills I can do whenever I want to? Certainly. Will it make me happy to have people praising me for my efforts and skills? Definitely. But then, isn't that a life with more pressure already? But seriously though, I wouldn't mind switching for one day just to see how it feel like.

          I also thought of another thing. How do the people who are always basked in the limelight see the life of someone like me? Am I important to them? Some say yes. Do they envy the life that we live? Some agree because it's more relaxing. The question that comes next is "BUT WHY?." Seriously though... think about it. I think having a life where you're known to be good at something and being recognized for it is a good one. Are the unseen important to the seen? Well yes, because without the support of the unseen, they can never be seen. Without the unseen, there would be no one to be in awe of the seen. That's true to a point.

But deep down inside, sometimes I really wish I was seen. Not occasionally.

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